Cloud Computing Services | Pinnacle
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Achieve the highest levels of reliability, performance, security and flexibility for your mission critical apps with our cloud computing services.

Cloud solutions are available in multiple platforms to provide your business with all the virtual compute, storage and network resources you need, and utilizing the cloud can give your business an additional layer of redundancy. Our top-tier platform allows us to deliver best-in-class cloud computing options for your organization. Cloud services can then be leveraged to achieve the highest levels of reliability, performance, security and flexibility for all of your mission critical applications and data.


An IaaS solution provides infrastructure resources (CPU, Memory, Networking, Storage) on which to build a cloud platform. Resources in this solution are on a shared platform with virtual separation of each environment. Our customers can elect to manage the allocation of resources and to manage virtual machines or customers can choose to have Pinnacle fully manage the environment up to but not including applications unless they are part of the existing Pinnacle managed service offering. Our customers can also elect to provide their own data protection or utilize Pinnacle data protection services to safeguard and retain data for recovery purposes.

Hosted Private Cloud

A hosted private cloud is a combination of dedicated resources (CPU, Memory, Networking, Storage) on which to build a private cloud platform that must meet stringent security requirements such as PCI, HIPAA, etc. Our customers can choose a private IaaS solution where Pinnacle provides the infrastructure as defined in the IaaS solution or they can elect to co-locate their own equipment. Our customers can also choose to employ our managed services to monitor and maintain all aspects of their cloud environment up to but not including applications unless they are part of the Pinnacle managed service offering.