03 Dec Top security issues of 2019 and how to apply protection lessons in 2020
If the 2010s have taught us one thing about cybersecurity, it’s that the threats are not backing down. As high-tech equipment proliferates and connectivity grows stronger, security risks rise in tandem with new tech developments. Companies need to remain vigilant.
Here are the top security issues we experienced in 2019 and how to deal with them in 2020.
2019 security issue #1: Mobile security vulnerabilities.
This year, the viral success of third-party mobile application FaceApp kicked off a firestorm of concerns about privacy, and how user data can be harvested en masse from popular apps to be used for nefarious purposes. Additionally, connecting to unsecured or spoofed WiFi networks can leave mobile users at risk.
In a highly connected world, malicious operators will use the toehold they’ve acquired among compromised mobile users to exploit their sensitive data and infiltrate larger networks. Mobile security issues in 2019 could signify the first domino to fall in 2020.
Protection to apply in 2020: Educate users in skepticism
The general public needs to carefully scrutinize their digital lives to determine who they’re giving their data to, what benefit they see from it, and what risks they assume as a result of handing over that data. Make sure users on your network know how their actions elsewhere can impact the organization at large.
2019 security issue #2: Ransomware on the rise
The victims of ransomware attacks vary in size and type, but particularly attractive targets include government, university and healthcare systems because they are essential service providers, highly integrated and they may have lower security standards than private-sector networks with deeper pockets.
Networks that make strong use of Internet of Things (IoT) devices will rise as ransomware targets in the coming years.
Protection to apply in 2020: Lock it down, and inform your users
It should almost go without saying that you should have strong security software in place protecting all devices that have access to your network, and that you should regularly back up your data. To prevent users from opening the door, on their mobile devices or elsewhere, strong user education is your best defense.
2019 security issue #3: Small and medium-sized businesses become bigger targets
It may be tempting to think that you’re not likely to be singled out since your assets are limited and your organization keeps a low profile. That’s not true. According to Verizon’s 2019 report on data breaches, 43% of breaches involved small business victims.
Why is this the case? Hackers can still make money off of small businesses, and their security procedures are probably less extensive than major players. Hacks of small businesses are less likely to draw significant attention, too, making it easier for hackers to operate stealthily.
Protection to apply in 2020: Own security issues at all levels
The message from a the large number of breaches targeting small businesses is clear: You’re never too small that you can afford to skip security. On the flip side, this year taught us that that the major players, like Capital One, are never so big that the rules don’t apply.
To combat the top security issues we’ve faced, regardless of how big or small your company is, learn more about our solutions and connect with one of our expert Pinnacle consultants today.